Day 14: God cares about everything…
A lot of people have a very sterile view of God, in my opinion, and that’s fine. I am not here to tell anyone what their relationship with God should look like…Religion does that but not me. I will certainly ask someone questions, share my life and connection, and give people a choice, but that’s it.
A long time ago, I belonged to a group that thought they had all the answers and the ONLY answers. I’ve long since moved away from that point of view. Did you know that the saying “Convince a man against his will, He’s of the same opinion still” was first said in 1792? And it is still very true today. So, I never debate or argue with anyone, especially about God.
Your relationship with God is a very personal thing. I’ve said for years that God has no Grandchildren; everyone is a direct descendant. This means everyone has to come up with their own relationship with God and figure it out. One of the most well recognized verses in the scriptures is John 3:16 and it says that God “wants” us to come to Him, not that He “makes” us come to Him or “demands” that we come to Him. In that light, I can share my connection with God and if it appeals to someone, I can show them more.
In the scriptures, bringing anyone to God is a two-step process. First there is the announcement in general, then there is the follow up with those who respond. In history, there were “town criers” who would go through the street declaring a message from the King or someone important. Then they would post the details on a wall where those interested could read more.
As I am writing my stories, you may connect with some parts that I write about and not so much with other parts and that’s okay. If you want to know more, you will ask. If you don’t care, then you will move on…and all of that is perfect.
Those who want to know more will stay and I’ll offer even more to hopefully enrich lives and make this journey in life a rewarding one. I have no agenda other than to make God known, the rest is everyone’s individual choice. It may seem like some of my stories have nothing to do with God, I can assure you that is not the case and if you stick around long enough, you’ll see what I mean.
Well, that’s enough of a prelude, so let’s get to the story…
Debby and I were brought up Methodist, which, at least back in the day, was sort of a middle of the road denomination. Nothing really hard core, so to speak, but from a very young age, I talked to God. Maybe, because I spent a lot of time alone, but for whatever reason I would talk to God. It wasn’t formal or religious…just talking.
I spent a lot of time feeling sorry for myself, so I’m sure I complained to Him or whined about my lot in life, but I still talked to Him. On one particular occasion, after Daddy left, I was invited by my cousin Ken and my Uncle Kent to go dove hunting with them.
I had a single barrel 12-gauge shotgun that belonged to Poppy, which meant by the time I got the gun it was close to 100 years old, but still worked. At least I knew how to shoot. I didn’t take my gun down to Whiteville where my cousin and uncle lived, because they said they had a gun I could use. They used Ithaca or Remington shotguns, I can’t remember, that held 3 shells when the plug was in. Just a side note here for any novice readers, when hunting birds, use a single barrel shotgun, because if you have a shotgun which can pump out 3 shells one after another…you will go through a box of shells in no time and miss everything. Just some friendly advice.
So, there I am, hunting with my cousin and my uncle, which I really appreciated. I have a modern classy shotgun (with 3 shells ready to fire) and we reach the cornfields where we are going to hunt. Uncle Kent tells me to go down one of the irrigation ditches and he and Ken will go down the other. So, I start walking, the major problem is I have never been Dove hunting before, and I don’t have the slightest clue as to what a dove even looks like!!!
Why didn’t I ask??? Come on, I was an insecure boy who didn’t want to look stupid or inept, so NO I didn’t ask anything.
This is when I start talking to God, it went something like this. “What am I doing God? How is this going to work? I don’t even know what a dove looks like!!!”
I can’t remember if it happens right away, but all of a sudden, a dove flew out of the ditch and hovered in midair right in front of me and I heard…”This is a dove”…and then it flew off. How amazing and kind of God to be such a loving Father to me on this insignificant matter. The other amazing thing when I look back on it, was that as thankful as I was, this seemed normal to me. I never told anyone about this for probably 50 years, it was just part of my life with God I tucked away.
Now if anyone is feeling sorry for the doves, don’t worry. I went through a box of shells that day and don’t think I hit a thing. Also, the rule was you always eat what you shot, so no bird died in vain. Later I got very good with my single barrel shotgun and one day I got 11 doves with 15 shots…but that’s just bragging so I’ll close out here.
Just remember that God cares about all the details of your life, nothing is too small or too big for God, so don’t hold back. Talk to Him about everything.
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