For years I have prayed, “Father, let the ones I love come to know you and love you. Thank you for hearing my prayers”. “Stories for Joshua” was an answer to my prayers. My seven year old grandson’s family does not go to church. I wanted so much for him to come to know God and the Bible.

As it says in the forward to this CD series, the goal is to provide stories that help a child understand God’s love by revealing His goodness, His kindness, His protection and provision. Whenever my grandson would come to visit we would listen to the stories as Joshua listened to his grandfather. I never had to press. He was always eager to hear the next story.

As a grandmother and retired teacher, I appreciate the review questions as we talk through what we heard. The visualization, identification, and content questions are written at different levels of learning. Some are easy to answer and some require a little more thinking. That keeps him engaged, I think. Last summer my grandson went to a Bible camp. He came home eager to share Bible verses he had learned. I really feel that “Joshua’s Stories” gave him the background and the confidence to join in as the campers began to know God in a deeper way.

Thank you, Duke Clarke, for being an answer to a grandmother’s prayer!

Linda, Colorado